Renting help and advice for tenants
We've curated a list of tenant resources to support you throughout your renting journey.
Whether you're looking for national support services or state-specific advice, we've got you covered with helpful information, tools and services to assist you in managing your tenancy, understanding your rights and getting help if you need it.
National resources
Services Australia: Rent Assistance
A regular extra payment for eligible individuals receiving certain government payments and paying rent.
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Providing detailed guides and resources on rental laws and tenants' rights in VIC.
Housing VIC
Assistance for renters in Victoria, including RentAssist bond loans, financial help, support programs to maintain tenancies, and specialist rental advice.
Tenants Victoria
Supporting Victorian renters with advice on tenancy rights, repairs, rental agreements, and dispute resolution.
New South Wales
Tenants' Union of New South Wales
Offering advocacy and support for tenant rights in NSW.
NSW Fair Trading
Information on rental agreements, bonds, and dispute resolution in NSW.
Service NSW: Access private rental assistance
Apply for assistance to help set up and maintain a tenancy in the private rental market through Housing Pathways.
Queensland Government’s renting guide
Information on help with renting, finding a place, student accommodation, tenant rights and responsibilities, dispute resolution, accessible properties and home safety.
Queensland Government’s financial help with renting
Bond loans and rental grants, Rental Security Subsidy and No Interest Loam Scheme (NILS) housing loans.
Tenants Queensland
Offering advocacy and support for tenant rights in Queensland.
Western Australia
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety: Renting a home
Information on safe tenancies, types of rental accommodation, beginning a tenancy, condition reports, bonds, rent payments and more.
Western Australian Government: WA Rent Relief Program
One-off rent relief payments to help eligible tenants who are at risk of eviction because their rent is in arrears to negotiate with their landlords to extend their tenancy.
WA Rent Relief Program
An initiative that aims to keep Western Australians with private tenancies in their homes.
South Australia
SA Government: Renting and letting
Guidance on renting in South Australia, covering topics like starting a tenancy, managing bonds, tenant rights, dispute resolution, and ending a tenancy.
SA Consumer and Business Services: Renting
Offers advice and resources for renting in South Australia, covering topics like starting a tenancy, bonds, repairs, and resolving disputes.
RentRight SA
Free housing advice and advocacy service supported by the Government of South Australia, SA Housing Authority, helping people sustain their tenancies in private rental, community housing, rooming houses or public housing.
Homes Tasmania: Private rent assistance
Financial help for eligible Tasmanians struggling to pay rent, bonds, or moving costs.
Tenants' Union of Tasmania
A specialist community legal centre and advocacy group for residential tenants in Tasmania.
Northern Territory
Consumer Affairs Renting in the NT
Provides guidance on tenant rights, rental agreements, resolving disputes, and updates to the Residential Tenancies Act.
Darwin Community Legal Service: Tenants Advice Service
A community-based advice and advocacy service for residential tenants across the Northern Territory.
ACT Government Renting and Occupancy Laws
Covers tenant and occupant rights in the ACT, dispute resolution, rental agreements, and protections for various types of housing.
ACT Government Rent Relief Fund
Financial assistance to renters in the ACT experiencing rental stress or severe financial hardship.